Wednesday, August 14, 2013


This is the film that was mentioned today in class. Here is a link to the movie's website:

Milk, 2008 is a biographical film based on the life of gay rights activist and politician Harvey Milk, who was the first openly gay person to be elected  to public office in California, as a member of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors. 

1 comment:

  1. I watched this movie a few weeks ago after we were instructed to engage and participate in something posted on the blog. Not only was this movie extraordinarily captivating visually and emotionally through an incredible collection of actors, but the factual information presented is of vital importance and needs further awareness and recognition. I did not know about this particular time in history when Harvey Milk was attempting (and succeeding) to revolutionize equality based on sexual preference in public office. The presence of gay people in public office was entirely unheard of until Milk gained the perseverance to fight for his right to be openly gay and serve as a member of the Board of Supervisors. Not only was this an advancement of equality in the public office, but this led to a greater awareness of all those who do not choose heterosexuality. Inequality towards homosexuality was now discussed openly, and through the anger and tears and passion of all the people who couldn't be open about their sexuality, there became a movement to integrate these people into society, void of all oppression.

    I am excited to watch this movie again in class. With movies such as Milk, which are so dense in information, it is easy to miss various occurrences. I will only learn more the second time through. I am also happy it is being shown in class because after watching it and realizing how important of a film it is, I think everyone needs to see it at least once!
