Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Isla Vista Food Co-op "Where Does Your Food Come From?" Internship

Year Long Commitment 
10-15 hours per week 
Internship Overview: 
This intern will work to connect local shoppers with the suppliers of their food. The position is ideal for someone who is passionate about sustainable and ethical food production, and about informed grocery shopping. Through maintaining up to date shelf labels and store signage, interviewing local farmers, and organizing tours to farms and wineries, the intern will gain intimate knowledge about local food production. Additional benefits include leadership experience, organizational skills, and mentorship. 
Maintain Shelf Tags 
o Non-GMO verified shelf tags, EWG Skin Deep Database rating shelf tags, Staff-picks tags, and local program shelf tags/fliers 
Update Labels for Bulk Items 
o Replace existing labels with updated country of origin, supplier info, etc. 
Profile Local Farmers 
o Interview each of the local farmers about their business 
o Photograph the farmer/ farm 
o Create both a digital and printed version of a profile for each farmer 
Organize Tours 
o Facilitate monthly tours to local farms, farmer’s markets and wineries 
Weekly Meetings 
o Meet once a week with your supervisor to discuss your progress and set deadlines 

 Interest in local food production 
 Artistic ability (photography and graphics) 
 Attention to detail 
 Organization skills 
 Leadership skills 
 Ability to set and stick to deadlines 
 Communication skills 

In exchange for your time you will receive an employee discount on all foods purchased at the coop, in addition to valuable work experience, references, and course credit in your major if applicable. 
Application Process: 
Turn in your completed application, along with a cover letter and resume no later than AUGUST 31. Please submit your application via email to Mo Rea at ivfc.staff@gmail.com. Applications will be considered starting September 1st, and you can expect to hear from us in September. 

For more information: http://islavistafoodcoop.blogspot.com/p/internships.html

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