Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Korean Food Restaurant Artwork

While exploring IV, I came across a little Korean restaurant with the label "I <3 Seoul Food". Surprisingly, when I entered, I came across an abundance of artwork posted within the restaurant. If anyone is ever on Embarcadero, be sure to check out this restaurant. 

- Joseph Din


  1. Thanks for posting this, checked out the artwork and it's great! Good find.

  2. I went to see the artwork displayed at I <3 Seoul Food. I thought it was really interesting and wasn't something I expected to see at a Korean restaurant in Isla Vista. The food was also really good. (: It reminded me of Pizza My Heart, which is located just down the street. There you will find a lot of photographs and memorabilia that related to the beach or water activities. In both restaurants I think the artwork on the walls helped set the tone of the restaurant and the aura for consumers. I think it's interesting to see the contrast between the two restaurants and the artwork that is displayed throughout. It facilitates the experience and markets to a specific audience.

    -Julianne Rahimi

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